
Students talk and work in Pitzer's Academic Courtyard

所有可用的校园职位都张贴在 握手, the primary career platform for Pitzer and 克莱蒙特学院. All students should be able to log in using their Pitzer username and password. 学生可以选择“工作”选项卡, type ‘Pitzer’ in the search bar and filter for ‘On Campus Employment’ to find available positions. 除了欧洲杯线上买球, students can also search for Consortium employers under ‘TCCS On Campus 学生就业” in the employer search bar for positions at Claremont College departments. 需要帮助导航握手? 点击 在这里 欧洲杯线上买球如何找工作的说明.

勤工俭学学生注意事项: On-campus jobs are not designated ‘work-study’; however, supervisors are encouraged to prioritize hiring work-study recipients. Students with work-study can apply for any available job on 握手 (见 雇主 below for additional information regarding treatment of earnings from on-campus vs. 校外雇主).


招聘会: An On-Campus 招聘会 featuring Pitzer and consortium-based employers is scheduled every fall semester, 通常是在上课的第一周.


As a part of seeking campus employment, please complete the 学生就业补充资料表. This form will provide potential supervisors with your available work hours and work-study eligibility (if applicable). 你应该把这张表格提交给 所有 你申请的工作. Note, supervisors may also request other documents (resume, cover letter, etc.).


Students are expected to perform the job for which they have been hired. 你有责任:

  • 是可靠的.
  • 准时到达.
  • Perform your job duties to the best of your ability.
  • 按时准确地提交考勤卡.

如果您没有执行所需的任务, your supervisor is not obligated to continue your employment. 推荐的时间: Pitzer College recommends that students work no more than 10 – 15 hours/week while school is in session in order to stay focused on their academics.


当你被录用时, you will be given a packet with materials that you are expected to read and abide by. 这些材料包括:



Student drivers need to verify that they have a driving record acceptable to the Colleges’ automobile liability insurance. 为此,您需要:

  1. 提交一个 司机释放表格 to 人力资源.
  2. 提交两份驾照复印件.

This will authorize our insurance carrier to run a report from the California Department of Motor Vehicles and determine if you meet our driving record standards for insurability. The results of the report will be submitted to your supervisor within approximately two weeks.


Any Pitzer student can apply for jobs with Pitzer departments/organizations. These are considered on-campus jobs and students are hired and paid by Pitzer College.

勤工助学: Work-study students can work for any on-campus department and utilize their work-study allotment. 然而,学生们 不受勤工俭学的限制 and can earn more than their work-study allotment, so long as the department has available funding. It is the department’s responsibility to ensure that they have funds available in their student employment budget to pay their student employees.

Non-勤工助学: Students without work-study can work for any on-campus department. 然而, on-campus employers are encouraged to consider hiring work-study students.


  • 学术领域组(全部)
  • 学术支援服务
  • 发展服务
  • 年度 & 领导给
  • 视听服务
  • 校园生活
  • 职业服务
  • 社区参与中心
  • 托管服务
  • 餐饮服务
  • 复制服务
  • 设施 & 校园服务
  • 弗莱彻·琼斯语言文化实验室
  • 基础的关系 & 老师的支持
  • 金牌学生健康 & 健康中心
  • 理由
  • 人力资源 & 就业服务
  • 信息技术
  • 全球-地方行动研究所 & 研究
  • 国际研究 & 评估
  • 启动
  • 邮件中心
  • 维护服务
  • 传媒研究及制作服务
  • 教务处 & 学院院长
  • 招生办公室
  • 大学发展办公室
  • 通讯办公室
  • 财政援助办公室
  • 学生事务处
  • 总统办公室
  • 司库办公室
  • 欧洲杯线上买球艺术画廊
  • 前景研究
  • 注册商
  • 居住生活 & 夏天的计划
  • Robert Redford Conservancy for Southern California Sustainability
  • 管理 & 通信
  • 学生账户
  • 出国留学 & 国际项目
  • 格罗夫小屋
  • 写作中心



Pitzer students can work in various positions within Pitzer, The Consortium and other organizations. All Pitzer students (those with work-study and those without) can apply to any job posted on 握手,除非另有说明. 然而, many off-campus employers traditionally hire work-study students (as this is the source of their pay). In addition, many on-campus employers may give hiring preference to students with work-study. 有关详细信息和限制,请参见下文.

校外 & Consortium employers can employ Pitzer students to work for their organization. 学生由匹泽学院雇佣并支付工资.

勤工助学: These organizations traditionally hire Pitzer students with work-study (as this is the source of their pay). 学生可以 earn up to the amount of their work-study allotment. Students who exceed their work-study allotment will be asked to stop working and the organization will be responsible for any overages.

Non-勤工助学: These organizations do not typi呼叫y hire non-work-study students. 如果你不是勤工俭学学生, reach out to the organization to inquire if they have available resources to employ you.


  • 墨西哥裔拉美学生事务(里昂证券)
  • 克莱蒙特课外活动公司. (扣)
  • 克莱蒙特学院图书馆
  • 克莱蒙特联合学区
  • CMC政策研究室
  • 欧盟中心
  • 健康教育外展(HEO)
  • 亨利·E. 里格斯应用生命科学学院
  • HMC上界
  • Intercollegiate Feminist Center for Teaching 研究 and Engagement
  • 黑人学生事务办公室
  • 波莫纳学院有机农场
  • 斯克里普斯学院音乐系
  • 学生残疾资源中心
  • 欧洲杯线上投注
  • 罕见的好

Pitzer-Pomona共享资源 & 部门 are departments shared by Pomona-Pitzer. These organizations can hire Pitzer work-study and non-work-study students.

勤工助学: Work-study students who work for these departments are hired and paid by Pitzer College and can earn up to the amount of their work-study allotment. Students who exceed their work-study allotment will be asked to stop working unless the department has additional resources to continue your employment.

Non-勤工助学: Non-work-study students are hired and paid directly by the department, 是波莫纳学院的一部分吗, 没有比萨. Students are paid directly by the organization and may be limited in earnings based on the organization’s budget.


  • Intercollegiate Department of Asian American Studies (IDAAS)
  • Intercollegiate Department of Africana Studies (IDAS)
  • 校际媒体研究
  • 校际神经科学项目
  • 酷儿资源中心(QRC) -波莫纳
  • 雨中心/田径-波莫纳
  • 剧院 & 舞蹈系-波莫纳